Showing posts with label SCCM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SCCM. Show all posts

Monday, October 14, 2024

SCCM to Tanium

SCCM transition Options: of course intune otherwise 

Deployment, Patching - Tanium

Image - Tazier

Inventory - Tanium

Remote Control - Zoom 

Reporting - Custom SSRS or Kafka , Grafana, Telegraf , Sensu, Datadog

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

To download microsoft cab file

if you are using Tanium 

Monday, November 16, 2015

DP Content checking

--DP content status:
use sms
SELECT     v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm.PackageID,
                      v_Package.Name, v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm.InstallStatus, v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm.SiteCode, v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm.ServerNALPath,
                      v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm.SourceVersion, v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm.State, v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm.LastCopied,
                      v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm.SourceNALPath, v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm.SummaryDate
FROM         v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm INNER JOIN
                      v_Package ON v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm.PackageID = v_Package.PackageID
WHERE     (v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm.ServerNALPath LIKE '%XXX%')---and InstallStatus <> 'Package Installation complete'
--WHERE     (v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm.ServerNALPath LIKE '')and InstallStatus <> 'Package Installation complete'
--and Name like '%neil%'1
--order by  name, v_PackageStatusDistPointsSumm.InstallStatus
and InstallStatus != 'Package Installation complete'

Note: in XXX put your DP name

Monday, July 6, 2015

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

TO fix the SMS client GUID issue

How to fix the SMS client GUID issue
1.If the client status unknown in the SMS console after installing the SMS client (make sure that CCM setup.log shows the succeeded message)
2.Use the psexec tool to login to the machine locally
Usage of the tool
Psexec \\IPadress of the machine (space) cmd
Make sure that open client id manager startup.log in the client system to observer the changes
Patch of the client id manager startup.log would be c:\windows\system32\ccm\logs\
Below are the commands you should execute in the PSEXEC tool
a)      net stop ccmexec
b)      del "%windir%\Smscfg.ini"
c)       net start ccmexec
now open “client id manager startup.log “ in client system and observe the message

Once you identify that you fixed the client guid , open the sql and check the system status after few minits .

Use below query to check the same.

SELECT     Name0 AS [Machine Name], User_Name0 AS [User Name],AD_site_name0 as [AD site code] ,creation_date0 as [AD discoverd date],

                      CASE Active0 WHEN '0' THEN 'InActive' WHEN '1' THEN 'Active' ELSE 'Unknown' END AS [Active Client],

                      CASE Client0 WHEN '0' THEN 'No' WHEN '1' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'Unknown' END AS [Client Status],

                      CASE obsolete0 WHEN '0' THEN 'No' WHEN '1' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'Unknown' END AS [Obsolete Client], DATEDIFF(D,V_GS_WORKSTATION_STATUS.LASTHWSCAN,GETDATE()) AS [HW SCAN DIFFERENCE]

WHERE     (Name0 IN (

Friday, May 25, 2012

Dcomcnfg - DCOM Settings

Type in the Run command -  “Dcomcnfg”

Go to computer properties and go to the “Com security “ edit limits in both accordingly ( just add your login id and your system name and give all the permissions for you and your computer)

this is required incase you unable to connect to SMS console from XP machine

Thursday, May 24, 2012

To Increase SMS Client CacheSize

On Error Resume Next

Dim oUIResManager
Dim oCache
Dim CacheSize


Set oUIResManager = createobject("UIResource.UIResourceMgr")

If oUIResManager Is Nothing Then
    wscript.echo "Could not create Resource Manager - quitting"
End If

Set oCache=oUIResManager.GetCacheInfo()

If oCache Is Nothing Then
    Set oUIResManager=Nothing
    wscript.echo "Could not get cache info - quitting"
End If


To uninstall using product code - Any app

To uninstall using product code (you can uninstall multiple apps at one go) - use product cod​e.txt and make sure that product code in the text file


On error resume next

Dim WSHShell, objFSO, strParentFldr, strProdFile,objTemp,strLine , strRegKey, strSubKey, strUninstallString, exitcode

Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set objFSO =CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

strParentFldr = objFSO.GetParentFolderName(wscript.ScriptFullName)

strProdFile = strParentFldr &"\ProductCode.txt"

Set objTemp = objFSO.OpenTextFile (strProdFile, 1, True)

strSubKey = ""

Do while Not objTemp.AtEndOfStream

                strLine = objTemp.ReadLine

                strRegKey = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\"& strLine & "\"

                strSubKey = WSHShell.RegRead (strRegkey& "DisplayName")

                if strSubKey <> "" Then

                                strUninstallString ="msiexec /x" & " " & strLine & " /qn"

                                exitcode =WSHShell.Run(strUninstallString, 1, True)

                End IF

                strSubKey = ""


Wscript.quit (exitcode)

SCCM: How to Exclude Files From Software Inventory

How to Exclude Files From Software Inventory

You can create a hidden file named Skpswi.dat and place it in the root of a client hard drive to exclude it from software inventory. You can also place this file in the root of any folder structure you want to exclude from software inventory. This procedure can be used to disable software inventory on a single workstation or server client, such as a large file server.
The Skpswi.dat file only prevents software inventory for computer clients and does not affect mobile device client inventory.

Software inventory will not inventory the client drive again unless this file is deleted from the drive on the client computer.
To exclude files from software inventory
  1. Using Notepad.exe, create an empty file named SkpSwi.dat.
  2. Right click the SkpSwi.dat file and click properties. In the file properties for the SkpSwi.dat file, select the Hidden attribute.
  3. Place the SkpSwi.dat file at the root of each client hard drive that you do not want to collect software inventory from.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Tip: how can I target applications to specific hardware (just a tip ignore if you know this pls)

Tip: how can I target applications to specific hardware (just a tip ignore if you know this pls)

also you can use below query if you want to create a collection based on hardware:

select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System inner join SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM on SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.ResourceID = SMS_R_System.ResourceId where SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.Model in ("Latitude D420","Latitude D630","Latitude D430","Latitude D620")

Note: you can change hardware models based on your requirement in the query.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

To delete obsolete systems in SCCM

Simply create a collection, use a query to find all machines with "obsolete
= 1". This way you can find all obsolete machines quickly. Then you can
right click the collection and choose "delete special" to delete all
machines in the collection.

There is one maintenance task to delete obsolete machines. Default it is
delete obsolete machines older than 90 days. You can change that to 60 days,
or 30 days or whatever you like.

Check out more in

SCCM to Tanium

SCCM transition Options: of course intune otherwise  Deployment, Patching - Tanium Image - Tazier Inventory - Tanium Remote Control - Zoom  ...